Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thank You For a Fulfilling Break

I squirmed in my desk as I kept glancing at the clock. There were five more minutes of class until I was free to do what I wanted for the rest of the week. All throughout Class I had been drifting back and forth between paying attention and thinking about all the time I would have over the next three days. My leg kept tapping the floor in restless anticipation. Three minutes. Break was knocking on the door. I drifted back into my plans for the week. I had three main things I needed to do, sleep, work, and planning. All three needed special attention to help me be a successful student and to prepare for the future when I graduate. I drifted back to class. Two minutes. As, my thoughts drifted off again a thrill came over me when I thought of black Friday. Not because of the deals, but because I could start playing my Christmas music and decorate my hall for the holidays! After Thanksgiving, I wouldn’t get dirty looks for playing my Christmas music too early! I looked at the clock we are in the final countdown! Now don’t get me wrong I love school, and have very few absences, but when a break is around the corner it is hard not to be excited to change up the pace and break the monotony of class, homework, eat, sleep routine. I was pumped and ready for break to begin! And so it did, I can honestly say that I was able to accomplish a few of the things on my to-do list. For that I feel accomplished. I enjoyed the time with family and friends and ate until I was stuffed. I couldn’t feel more thankful for everything! I hope that everyone had an enjoyable break with friends and family and if you haven’t started your homework yet, you have one day left!

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