Sunday, September 29, 2013

Saying Goodbye to Friends

Saturday I said goodbye to one of my closest friend. We just met last year, and it’s crazy to think how well we hit it off. The whole time I have been here, we have been involved in many of the same things, but we just never talked. Last year, we were put on the same staff in McGee and it was a blast, I didn’t know at the time how much we would help each other make it through last year. She left on Saturday to go to China for a year and I am sad to see her go, but I am so happy for the new chapter she is starting in her life. It makes me nervous for the next part of my life. Where will I be in a year, I know that I want to go to graduate school, but I don’t know if that’s what is meant for me. I am scared for the future, because I feel like it is too soon to be taking care of myself, making money, and paying bills. I am too young to be an adult; it was just yesterday that I was walking onto Rockhurst campus for the first time getting a tour about campus. Now, I am giving those tours, and very much a part of Rockhurst life. Seeing my friend leave on Saturday made me question myself more about if I am going to the right field am I doing what I was meant to do. I have always been dead set on my path, and now I feel like I am at a crossroads and whichever road I pick I won’t be able to turn back and press a restart button for a while. This is part of the stress of senior year. I like to know what is going to happen and being in control of my future, but right now, I feel like the future is something I have to wait out and see if I made the right choice.     

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